I'm troubled.
I'm troubled.
I'm troubled by my Republican brothers and sisters who somehow can find no fault with anything George W. Bush says or does.
I'm troubled by folks from both sides of the political spectrum who still think we were right to invade Iraq and try to justify it by invoking 9-11.
I'm troubled by those who insist that Americans who are not for George W. Bush are automatically against America.
I'm troubled by my fellow combat veterans who say that Cindy Sheehan is lending aid and comfort to the enemy by insisting that her son died for nothing.
I'm troubled by those who scream that you cannot support our troops without blindly supporting an unjustified war.
And, most of all, I'm troubled by my own feelings about some things.
I vaguely remember Harry Truman as President (I was born in 1946). I remember every one since then very well.
I remember those with whom I agreed and those with whom I disagreed.
I remember those who I liked and those I didn't.
But I respected them all.
Now, though, I've lost all vestiges of respect for my Commander in Chief. I despise him. I have reached the point where, if the man said it is dark at night, I have to disagree with him. His lies have led us into a war which has killed nearly 2,000 American soldiers and Marines.
Clinton lied about sex and the Republicans impeached him. Bush lied about weapons of mass destruction and no one is talking impeachment. (To be fair, I don't want to talk about impeachment. If Bush has been a terrible President, Dick Cheney would be a disaster!)
Bush's lies have killed and wounded untold numbers of Americans and Iraqis. When Clinton lied no one died.
I understand how hard it is for the average American to admit he/she was wrong. I understand that he/she doesn't want to admit he/she fell for Bush's lies during the campaign and during the run-up to war.
And, today, the Washington Post reports new lows in Bush's approval ratings. The numbers are such that some of those being polled and reporting they disapprove must be Republicans.
But, still, many Republicans insist on running and hiding from the truth. They have called American combat veterans "traitors" because they don't support Bush's war. They have accused the mother of a dead American combat veteran of everything but littering.
I am watching my country being torn apart. It is rapidly approaching the divisions of Vietnam (which I remember well).
And I'm troubled.
I was in high school during Vietnam but not politically aware so I'm not familiar with the atmosphere of the US during that time, but I think the damage is so severe with Bush that it may be time to talk about recovery in the next four years more than anything else.
If the current trends in energy cost continue the nation is going to be brought to her knees. Literally, we will be crippled. At that point if there's any doubts about Bush's performance as president then I'll give up attempting to make sense of it all.
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