Why is anyone surprised?
The current administration has always treated those who disagree with it with contempt and scorn. A President of the United States who "served" as a National Guard pilot, who essentially failed in his duties and refused service overseas; a Vice-President who has never worn his country's uniform; a Speaker-of-the-House who has never seen a need to serve.... these "men" have seen fit to attack the patriotism of many combat veterans.
John McCain, a POW in Vietnam, during a campaign for the Presidency.
Max Cleland, a disabled veteran of Vietnam in Georgia.
John Kerry, a Vietnam veteran, during the campaign for the Presidency.
And, now, Jack Murtha, a former Marine Drill-Instructor, winner of two Purple Hearts and a Bronze Star for Valor in Vietnam; a man who served his country honorably and with courage; a man who has consistently supported this adminstration during the Iraq War; a man who dared to announce, after much soul searching, that the time has come to begin to draw down our forces from a war which is taking the lives of our service men and women for no good reason.... this hero was yesterday branded a coward by Jean Schmidt (R-OH) for daring to make such a suggestion.
This action is being described by some as "Swift-Boating," a reference to the infamous "Swift-Boat Campaign" of the 2004 elections.
How dare anyone suggest that we've spent enough lives in Iraq? How dare anyone suggest that we were mislead into this war? How dare anyone question the President?
Why is anyone even vaguely surprised at the attack on Jack Murtha? I'm surprised it took as long as it did. This administration makes the Nixon adminstration look like the pinicle of government. They should be ashamed of themselves.