Wednesday, September 21, 2005


I had an interesting thought after lisening to the news the other night. It seems that the Republicans in Congress are, legitimately, worried about the cost of the cleanup and reconstruction of the Gulf Coast after Katrina. Who, they wonder, is going to pay for this?

You've got to give them this.... they're consistent. We are, allegedly, at war in Iraq. Who is paying for it? During a war, we are all supposed to sacrifice. But the only ones sacrificing for the war are the soldiers, their families, and those whose beneifts are being cut to finance it. You know, like the veterans and the low income folks. Ever since Bush came into office, they have been balancing the budget on the backs of those who most need government assistance.

Now, rather than repeal Bush's ill-considered tax cuts or cut corporate welfare or ask those who can best afford it to kick in a little more, the Republicans are talking about cutting the prescription plan for Medicare that was to go into effect this year. Perhaps they realize that most folks on Social Security who need this program are those who were/are low-income. Those who are most likely to be Democrats who wouldn't vote for them in any case. Those who depend solely on Social Security to live are those who were poor working class Americans. The rich... the classic Republicans... don't need Social Security or a prescription program. They're covered.

From Merriam-Webster Dictionary:

Main Entry: geno*cide
Pronunciation: 'je-n&-"sId
Function: noun
: the deliberate and systematic destruction of a racial, political or cultural group.

Here, then, is an opportunity. A chance to strike a blow against the poor and the elderly. A chance to help reduce the poplulation of Democrats. Anyone want to take any bets as to which way this goes?

Friday, September 16, 2005

Four-footed children

I know many of you are pet lovers and are concerned about rescuing four-footed children in the Louisiana/Mississippi area who were victims of Katrina. If you want to help, please visit


Thursday, September 08, 2005

Military Officers Training vs. George Bush

I knew the 20 + years I spent in the military and the 4 years in R.O.T.C. would eventually help me write something.

The military is really good at teaching its officers by using "catch phrases" that are easily remembered.

Who can forget the poetry of "General Order # 1: To take charge of this post and all government property in view"? Or "General Order # 2: To walk my post in a military manner, keeping always on the alert and observing everything that takes place within sight or hearing"? Or even "General Order # 9: To call the commander of the relief in any case not covered by instructions"?

They taught us that "Rank Hath Its Privileges" but that "Rank Also Hath Certain Responsibilities."

They taught us that "Responsibility Can NOT be delegated" although authority can be.

And they taught us, which leads to the subject of this post, that "The Commander is responsible for everything his unit does or fails to do."

Apparently, George W. Bush never learned that during his tour as an Air Force fighter pilot. Hell, maybe, with his connections, he never had to learn to be an officer. They probably just pinned the bars on his shoulders and told him to take off.

But it remains a fact. The commander is responsible. Others may be responsible to him, but he has the ultimate responsibility.

In the case of the damage caused by Hurricane Katrina, Bush and his allies in and out the White House, like Karl Rove, have forgotten this elemental fact. If there was a failure in responding to the disaster, the responsibility is not the mayor of New Orleans or the Governor of the states involved. It is not the responsibility of the head of F.E.M.A. or even the Secretary of Homeland Security.

It is, and must remain, the responsiblity of George W. Bush. It was HE who appointed the members of the federal government who were supposed to take action. It was HIS job to insure they did theirs. Instead, he did what he did during the events of September 11th. He went away. He dodged his responsibility. He proved, once again, that he is the coward we always knew he was.

Bush's defenders (and they're legion, just look at the forum on Huntington News . Net and see posts by mrmajestk or hulda or others) are so wrapped up in defending him that they cannot see the damage he has caused. They will continue to defend him until something happens that affects them personally. They don't care about the country..... anymore than Bush does.

George W. Bush is the President of the United States. He is, therefore, the Commander-in-Chief. And the commander is responsible for everything his unit does or fails to do. Karl Rove would do well to remember that. Stop trying to pass the buck. It stops on Bush's desk.

Friday, September 02, 2005

I wonder.....

I wonder.......

Did you ever buy one of those cheap "wooden" bookcases? You know, the ones made of particle board with a very thin veneer of what appears to be wood, but is probably paper with a wood grain on it? And, when the veneer chiped, you could see the ugly board underneath?

We now see how thin the veneer of civilization is. Its no surprise, given the very poor response of the government to the storm, that the veneer has been chiped away in New Orleans and Mississippi. And we can see the ugly side of human nature. Murder, rape, assault, looting. The news last night said even the cops in New Orleans are having to loot to find water while they're on duty.

Civilization is breaking down in the area.

Meanwhile, using Katrina as an excuse, the oil companies are raising the price of gasoline and heating oil. To the point where the working poor and even the middle class are finding it more and more difficult to make ends meet. And they wonder why so many Americans use the word "businessman" as an epithet.

And in the aftermath, no one seems to be considering the unemployment spike that is going to result from the loss of all those businesses in the area.

I once said that, if the 2004 election was as crooked as the 2000 one, there would be an armed revolution. Apparently, I was wrong. The American people will tolerate almost anything.

But I look at things happening today and I wonder.

Rising prices, the worst disaster I can remember, worse unemployment, dissatifaction with the war in Iraq.

I think our country is reaching the breaking point.

I remember a song from my youth.

"I see a bad moon rising."

And I fear for my country.

And I wonder.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Gasoline price gouging?

The other day, we saw the Governor and the Attorney General of WV stand up and say that they would not tolerate gouging on the price of gasoline. That day, the cost of regular unleaded gasoline in Huntington was $2.59/gallon.

The next day, the Governor appeared and thanked the WV gasoline dealers for not gouging.

The next day, the price of regular unleaded gasoline in Huntington was $3.09/gallon.

WSAZ News had a report last night on the issue. They interviewed the head of the WV Retail Gasoline Dealers Association. They questioned the 50 cent per gallon increase in the cost of fuel. His answer, obviously unthinking, was that he had to pay 40 cents per gallon more wholesale for that fuel.

Now. Did his other costs go up? Is he suddenly paying his employees more? He paid 40 cents more per gallon and increased his prices by 50 cents per gallon. A new profit of 10 cents per gallon.

At a time when oil companies are making record profits, they found it necessary to increase the cost of gasoline. They are using the devestation of Katrina as their excuse but much of the fuel for which they have increased their prices is all ready in the storeage tanks. At a time when many Americans are living from hand to mouth, the oil companies are making it more difficult to make ends meet.

The price of gasoline will, eventually, impact on all other goods and services. They will all go up. Inflation will rise. The working poor will soon find it costs them more in gasoline to get to work than they are making at work. Unemployment will skyrocket.

And the rich, as usual, don't give a rat's ass.