Wednesday, September 21, 2005


I had an interesting thought after lisening to the news the other night. It seems that the Republicans in Congress are, legitimately, worried about the cost of the cleanup and reconstruction of the Gulf Coast after Katrina. Who, they wonder, is going to pay for this?

You've got to give them this.... they're consistent. We are, allegedly, at war in Iraq. Who is paying for it? During a war, we are all supposed to sacrifice. But the only ones sacrificing for the war are the soldiers, their families, and those whose beneifts are being cut to finance it. You know, like the veterans and the low income folks. Ever since Bush came into office, they have been balancing the budget on the backs of those who most need government assistance.

Now, rather than repeal Bush's ill-considered tax cuts or cut corporate welfare or ask those who can best afford it to kick in a little more, the Republicans are talking about cutting the prescription plan for Medicare that was to go into effect this year. Perhaps they realize that most folks on Social Security who need this program are those who were/are low-income. Those who are most likely to be Democrats who wouldn't vote for them in any case. Those who depend solely on Social Security to live are those who were poor working class Americans. The rich... the classic Republicans... don't need Social Security or a prescription program. They're covered.

From Merriam-Webster Dictionary:

Main Entry: geno*cide
Pronunciation: 'je-n&-"sId
Function: noun
: the deliberate and systematic destruction of a racial, political or cultural group.

Here, then, is an opportunity. A chance to strike a blow against the poor and the elderly. A chance to help reduce the poplulation of Democrats. Anyone want to take any bets as to which way this goes?


At 21:46, Blogger Senihele said...

It will go in the same direction as other decisions that affected seniors, like the decision to double senior payments for medicare while leaving the larger tax cuts for the wealthy in place.


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