Thursday, October 06, 2005

The end of the world.... as we know it.

Several years ago, I expressed concern that there will be no Presidential election in 2008. Now, I'm seriously wondering if there will be an election in 2006.

Even as I write this, the stage is being set.

In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, there was talk of changing federal law (Posse Comitatus) to allow active duty military personnel to perform law enforcement duties within the United States.

President George W. Bush has now managed to get one of his right-wing cronies on the Supreme Court and looks to get his second confimed shortly. The majority of the court will be "Conservative" and likely to give him anything he wants.

Yesterday, Bush announced his concerns over the Avian Flu and said he wants Congress to authorize the use of U.S. troops to enforce "quarantines" to prevent its spread.

It doesn't take much imagination or fear to see the scenario being painted here. Bird flu breaks out in October, 2006. Federal troops, enforcing the quarantine, prevent people from voting. The House and Senate, in which Republican gains are threatened, remain as they are.

And what happens next? Your guess is as good as mine.... but it won't be pretty.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005


Although I no longer post at the Huntington News forum, I continue to read it for laughs and tears. I'm certain the folks posting there do not represent the average American.... at least, I hope they don't.

But I am always facinated when someone says something and another responds by telling them to "quit drinking kool-aide" or "put on the tin hat." Apparently, civility is dead in this country.

Now let me make it clear that I am something of a conspiracy buff. I love to look a things that have happened and try to figure out if they really happened they way we were told.... like the "lone gunman" question in the Kennedy assassination. I spent an hour last night watching a program on The History Channel about secret societies, like Skull and Bones and the Trilateral Commission, and whether or not they have been involved in vast conspiracies.

I have concluded they probably haven't. I suspect that if they were as all-powerful as some think, programs like that would never have seen the light of day. But maybe that's a conspiracy, too.

In any case, a post was recently made on HNN suggesting that the events of Sept. 11th were not planned and executed by al Queda and bin Laden. The suggestion was that it was a plot by an un-named political party (but we all know who he meant) to cement their hold on power in this country.

It is no secret that I despise George W. Bush and all he stands for. I would love to believe that he was capable of pulling off something like this......... but I can't stretch my mind that far. Still, its an interesting theory and it deserves a better response than "put you tin hat on."

It is merely a further reflection of why I no longer post on that forum. The anonymity allows people to be insulting without fear of reprisal. I labored to change that... and failed. I wonder why? Maybe that, too, was part of a conspiracy?