Tuesday, October 04, 2005


Although I no longer post at the Huntington News forum, I continue to read it for laughs and tears. I'm certain the folks posting there do not represent the average American.... at least, I hope they don't.

But I am always facinated when someone says something and another responds by telling them to "quit drinking kool-aide" or "put on the tin hat." Apparently, civility is dead in this country.

Now let me make it clear that I am something of a conspiracy buff. I love to look a things that have happened and try to figure out if they really happened they way we were told.... like the "lone gunman" question in the Kennedy assassination. I spent an hour last night watching a program on The History Channel about secret societies, like Skull and Bones and the Trilateral Commission, and whether or not they have been involved in vast conspiracies.

I have concluded they probably haven't. I suspect that if they were as all-powerful as some think, programs like that would never have seen the light of day. But maybe that's a conspiracy, too.

In any case, a post was recently made on HNN suggesting that the events of Sept. 11th were not planned and executed by al Queda and bin Laden. The suggestion was that it was a plot by an un-named political party (but we all know who he meant) to cement their hold on power in this country.

It is no secret that I despise George W. Bush and all he stands for. I would love to believe that he was capable of pulling off something like this......... but I can't stretch my mind that far. Still, its an interesting theory and it deserves a better response than "put you tin hat on."

It is merely a further reflection of why I no longer post on that forum. The anonymity allows people to be insulting without fear of reprisal. I labored to change that... and failed. I wonder why? Maybe that, too, was part of a conspiracy?


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