Just what does it take........?
In view of his successor, I have been unwilling to use the word "Impeachment" with regard to George W. Bush. I have always believed that Cheney would be a worse choice. But will someone please explain to me just what it takes to remove a President from office?
Not lying to the American people about the reasons for the invasion of Iraq. Not lying to the American people abou how we'd be greeted as liberators by the Iraqi people. Not lying about how Iraqi oil would pay for the reconstruction of the country, once we destroyed it.
Violating the first, fourth, and fifth ammendments to the Constitution apprently won't do it. Holding American citizens without due process won't do it. Secretly listening to telphone calls and monitoring emails of Amerian citizens you suspect without oversite from the courts won't do it.
So, someone, tell me, what "high crimes and misdeameanors" does a President have to commit to be removed from office? He can be a former crack-head, former alcholic, military coward (who should have caught a general courts martial for his ailure to follow orders and his contract with the Air Force), but none of those things are grounds for removal from office.
If the situation were reversed, every Republican in the country would be screaming for the head of a Democrat who did these things............ but of course, a Republican can do no wrong. No, no, to be impeached, you only have to be a Democrat and have sex in the White House.
You tell me.................. which is worse. Lying about having sex or lying about a war which has cost 2000 + American soldiers their lives.
It is time, long past time, in fact, for some Republican to develop some back bone and tell Bush it is time to stop playing at being king or dictator and to become what he swore an oath to be... President of the United States and all the legal obligaions that means. Republicans have to stand up and stop tis run away with our civil rights. Bush has got to go and he's got to go now while we still have something resembling a country left to defend.